Monday, October 20, 2008

What DWAA means to me, Part 2

Susan here. I've been a DWAA member for 10 years.

I'm not sure if Janine Adams is still a DWAA member, but she's the person who urged me to join. I was *so* intimidated at the prospect, and even more so when I joined. Heck, the first time I saw Mordecai Siegel, I didn't even have the nerve to go up and introduce myself. Since then, I've lost some of my shyness and not only introduced myself to Morty but have also confided in him about my earlier timidity. When I did that, he was very kind and did not laugh at me any more than I laughed at myself.

All kidding aside, though, being a DWAA member has meant the world to me. Writing is a pretty solitary profession, so having fellow dog writers to hob-nob with -- even if that hobnobbing occurs mostly online -- creates a nice break in that solitude. I've met so many wonderful people through DWAA: people like Deb, Liz, Phyllis, and Elaine. Then there's my 'big brother' Steve Dale (hey Bro!); Kim Thornton (best person in the world to watch a Harry Potter movie with); Eve (you still haven't told me where you get your boots); Chris (I look up to you in more ways than one); Su (a great person to sweat out getting an airport shuttle with) and a whole bunch of other people to whom I apologize now for not having mentioned them by name.

People in this organization are so generous. When I've needed to incorporate their expertise into books and articles I write, they've been there. When I've needed market advice, they've given it. When I needed help negotiating my first book contract, they stepped up. For that matter, I wouldn't have even gotten my first book contract if I hadn't been a DWAA member. I've tried to follow their example, and share any knowledge and/or wisdom that I've accummulated with those who've asked for my help.

But in the 10 years I've been a member, there's never been a real election -- at least not that I can remember. That's fine when things are just humming along. But this year, as we all know, things have not been merely humming along. There's been controversy. There's been anger. There's been disappointment. At times, things have gotten pretty ugly.

I want to help change that. I want to help DWAA become an open, transparent organization that appreciates, accommodates and utilizes that talents of all its members. That includes not only the writers who focus on conformation (and I am proud to write for the AKC Gazette, among other outlets) but also those who concentrate on performance, on training and behavior, on health and on the joys of simply living with dogs. I want DWAA to mean as much to others as it has meant to me. If you all want me to, I'm ready to do my part to make that happen -- starting with offering you a choice in this election.


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