Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Therapy work

One of the most rewarding things I do & have done with my dogs is therapy work. We have visited psych wards, nursing homes, Alzheimer wards, preschools, kindergartens, high schools & schools for special needs students. Different dogs shone in different areas, but every one of them was happy to work wherever (I even had a Delta Society Cat!) I might add my kids have done therapy work since they were about 2 months old as well :))

Last Friday night, our local obed club was holding a TDI test. I offered to help test (I am an evaluator) if the other tester would do the 2 dogs in our household who still needed certifying. It turns out her Afghan needed testing too so it worked very well. The dogs were all very good (maybe because we were testing in a church!) The club's classes were going on sort of around us & there were people going through at various times with their dogs.

So now all 6 dogs in our household are certified therapy dogs with TDI. Hokey & Queezle were the two tested on Friday - both Belgian Tervurens. At home we also have another Terv, 2 Aus Shepherds & a Pem Corgi. Great dogs all!

If your dog is comfortable around people & enjoys mingling, can handle strange places & smells & is pretty unflappable, you may want to look into doing therapy work with him or her. Always keep on top of your dog's comfort (some nursing homes are WARM!) & stress level but this can be very rewarding for both of you.
My partner in crime Liz has done a great deal of therapy work also & Susan has written & worked with service & therapy dog people.
'Let us know your experiences!
Deb E