Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Year of the Ox

I understand it is the Year of the Ox. I have decided that means that people who are patient & determined, plug on despite setbacks & are persistent (as most oxen I know are) will do well. I figure that bodes well for the slate I am on for DWAA :))
Voting is over with. I believe the Secretary now picks up the locked box or maybe she waits until closer to Feb 8, but then she brings it to the mtg. At the mtg, envelopes will be checked against the updated roster which she has & then votes counted by 3 "tellers". So we all have to simply wait it out now!
On this first day of the New Year it is very cold here - wind chill of -12 but the sun is out & we have some lovely snow. So I plan to do a quick cross country trip around the hayfield with the Tervs. There is not enough crust for the Corgi & the foot deep snow is too much for her though she often sensibly follows in our trail. I suspect at least one Aussie will want to come too!
I hope you are all warm, dry & safe & making lots of wonderful resolutions.
Deb E & gang at Coyote-Run
PS Read 2 neat books lately - The Daily Coyote by Shreve Stockton & Wesley the Owl by Stacey O'Brien. Both are about wild animals being raised as pets or pseudo pets (not the ideal situation) but both provide many insights into behavior.


Anonymous said...

Ah we beat you for cold (minus 35 before taking the windchill factor into account) :)

Thank you for explaining how the process goes at this point. It sure is appreciated learning what the actual process is -- thank you!!

Boy, do I ever hope for change.

Happy New Year!


Susan said...

So many of us are hoping for change. Here's hoping it happens.