Sunday, January 4, 2009

Rules & Roberts & more, oh my!

If nothing else this election has made me somewhat of a minor expert on Roberts' Rules, Parliamentarians, etc. Always good to expand your horizons I guess!

It has also been a boon to my local Barnes & Nobles as I used my gift cards liberally. I keep hearing that books are "on their way out". I find that hard to believe as books can go anywhere, be read anywhere, no batteries or electrical outlets needed, etc. The Saturday before Xmas, it took my kids & I two HOURS to get out of the parking lot of our local B & N due to all the traffic.
We don't watch TV (seriously - just videos) so our whole family reads voraciously. I could probably stock a decent bookstore just with the books in our household.

Wishing you many "good reads" in 2009!
Deb E

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