Thursday, January 8, 2009

More about the importance of books

Deb wrote recently about the value of books; that she and her kids are voracious readers. Good for them!

I grew up that way also. My parents encouraged us kids to read and always had a variety of books at hand. I was a huge reader of the Reader's Digest magazine and the Reader's Diegest condensed books - remember those? Even when times were tough and money tight, they arrived at the house once a month, I think and I couldn't wait until my parents finished reading them so I could get my hands on them. I can remembers evenings when the whole family was gathered in the living room, everyone with their own books or books, the TV off, and fire burning in the fireplace. I so thank my parents for developing a joy of reading.

My maternal grandparents also loved to read and had a huge library - one room dedicated to books! - and I would get lost in there. No restrictions were put on what I could or could not read and I would sit on the floor with a stack of books. I read mysteries, biographies, histories, humor, animal stories and so much more. Ah! Wonderful memories.

My Dad recently passed away and when my Mom asked me what momentos I wanted, I asked first for his shirt that he had printed, "Father of the Author" for my first book signing. But then I asked for some of his books. So this past weekend, days before his funeral, I spent a day sitting on the floor in his home office, surrounded by his books. My Dad was a retired US Coast Guard warrant officer so I read through the "History of the Coast Guard" and found photos of several of the ships he had served on during his career. I also read about expeditions to Antarctica, including Operation Deepfreeze, that my Dad was involved in. He spent six months aboard ship in Anarctica. Brrr!!!! I also read an old book called, "Men, Ships, and the Sea" which I found fascinating.

I ended up bringing home a couple armfuls of books. It will be fun to go through them, knowing that my Dad had read them before me and had hung on to them rather than donate them to the local library. It will also be sad, knowing they were my Dad's books. I'm sure a few tears will be shed.

I also hope some day that some of my books will mean as much to someone as these books mean to me.


Liz Palika LLC

1 comment:

Deb E said...

I feel the same way - I have soem books from friends & relatives that are very dear to me. What an exciting history your Dad leaves you Liz!
Deb E, whose house is estimated to be 70% books by one of her friends