Monday, November 24, 2008

Atlanta Conference

I just returned from the conference in Atlanta last night. This is the Cat Writers Association conference with co-sponsorship by the Dog Writers. Most talks are "bi -petual", strictly about writing topics. Wonderful time with a great sense of camaraderie and major efforts made to include newcomers. I met some wonderful new friends & got to touch base with many old friends. The book signing was a success with many dog books selling well at the cat show too!
The awards dinner went until 10 pm with a buffet & no compliants despite some short speeches. The evening went with people getting their dinners, then the special awards, a 10 min break for bathroom & dessert followed by the MUSE Medallion awards. I was fortunate to win a Muse Medallion for the Cat Owners' Home Veterinary Handbook AND the Hartz Vitamin Award for Senior Cats!!
A fabulous time!
Deb E


Susan said...

Sounds like a great conference, Deb. I really wish I'd been able to go. Even though I rarely write about cats, I learn so much at CWA conferences about writing and *all* companion animals, including dogs. And invariably I come away with a few assignments. But best of all, I get to see lots of friends and have a great time.

Liz Palika said...

Woo hoo! Arf arf! meow meow!

All my dogs, cats, and I offer our congratulations!
