Friday, November 14, 2008

"lost" members

One thing that has come to my attention since we started working on running by petition for DWAA office is the number of top members - excellent writers, mentors, respected in both the dog & writing communities - who either have left DWAA or are thinking seriously about it. These members feel that the organization is being run almost as a private fiefdom with little input from or concern about most members. If THEY feel that way, I can only imagine how estranged the average member feels.
It is our goal to involve our members, try to provide direct & useful benefits & have an open governing style.
If that is what YOU would like from DWAA, think of joining us by voting for Eldredge, McCullough & Palika when you get your ballot.
Deb E
PS While we would like to run a platform on free duck eggs for all, the season is past!


Anonymous said...

I'm one of those "lost" members. I didn't re-up.

Thanks for the update. I will re-join if DWAA installs the new slate -- people I know, respect and admire.

Gina Spadafori

Susan said...

Thanks, Gina. We'd love to have you back.

Anonymous said...

It will be interesting to see what happens in response to the DWAA election which, I assume, will be announced in February...and membership renewal takes place shortly thereafter.

Susan said...

According to the Bylaws, the ballots will be counted at the annual meeting in February. We have been heard -- but not been told officially -- told that the Secretary will mail ballots to the membership next month. And we have heard nothing as to how the election and vote counting will be conducted, other than what is in the Bylaws.