Saturday, March 17, 2012

St Patty's Day

The College pups and their Mom had a fun but relatively uneventful St Patrick's Day. Queezle took a long spin around the backyard enjoying the sun and avoiding her responsibilities for a bit. She is hoping her sun glasses fooled the paparazzi. She doesn't want any shots appearing that show her post pregnancy/nursing figure.
Black Boy volunteered for the hat shot - basically he was in the biggest milk induced torpor so we figured he would stay still :)
Green Boy started off the day hoping to launch his career as an "Irish tenor". Sadly, he appears to be an upstate NY soprano - off key at that.
Yellow Boy was "over the wall" and heading for the study to set up his own Facebook page while I was getting Queezle fresh water. This new generation is very "social aware".
This has been a vocal day - from moans, grunts and mild growls to suddenly having tough growls, a few barks and the howling attempts. I assume the ears are all open and working which has stimulated this noise making. This does not bode well for a quiet night!

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